Introducing: Cooking for Mortals

Melissa's fridge. Carb shelf envy, right?  

Melissa's fridge. Carb shelf envy, right?  


This is the first post in our Mortals series, where we’ll pick a cookbook author, food blogger, or Instagrammer whose recipes we love—and reveal how we make them fit into our lives. By fit we mean both literally fit, time-wise, and the other “fit,” nutrition-wise. That could mean taking a 30-minute Melissa Clark meal and either streamlining it further or doubling or tripling it—so that you spend a few more minutes but get two orthree meals, instead of one, for your time. For others, say the lovely but sometimes nutritionallyluxe Smitten Kitchen, that will mean replacing empty calories with nutritionally dense substitutes. Because when your daily schedule includes running, swimming, and eating several times a day, every calorie counts.

 --Melissa, Laurel, and Rebeccah

Melissa Clark for Mortals: Stir-Fry with Coconut Rice

Nut Butter Bunny Cookies