Kiwi Avocado Protein Smoothie

Avocado Kiwi Protein Smoothie

It's "Not Your Typical Smoothie" Week over at Williams-Sonoma and they've asked us to contribute a recipe that uses a surprisingly different secret ingredient. 

We immediately thought of this Kiwi Avocado smoothie that uses cottage cheese as a source of all-natural protein. Laurel says it's her current go-to smoothie after a hard workout because it provides that essential protein boost (13 grams!) necessary in an athlete's 30 minute refueling window. 

What I really like about this smoothie is the consistency - it is creamy and mousse-like. This is a nice change from some of the more traditional icy cold smoothies, especially on these cold December days. 


ps - I'm currently not blending any smoothies because my blender fell off the counter, cracked and then went down the trash chute. I'd gladly accept any of these blenders as a Christmas gift. Thanks!!

Kiwi Avocado Smoothie

serves 1

Blend the following ingredients on high until creamy:

1/2 avocado

1/4 cup

 lowfat cottage cheese

1/2 banana

1 kiwi, peeled

1 cup plain coconut water

1 teaspoon honey

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Athlete Style Gift Guide