Birthday Wishes for SJ and an Update from Bec


Happy Birthday to SJ who officially moves into a new triathlon Age Group today. Those of you in the 40-44 category no longer have to worry about him showing up at a race and stealing a podium spot. Actually, you probably wouldn't have to worry anyway because he still claims to be "retired" from triathlon after his one Ironman. I'm still not conviced on that front and his endurance sports career is far from over - he just signed up for the Gunks Rock the Ridge 50 mile running race (next May).

Sounds good to me, I'll take an extra running partner when I start training again in January. Things are going well and the baby (girl) is now about 4 pounds (!) which makes me feel a little better about being 20 pounds over race weight. With less than 8 weeks to go, I'm staying active by trying to keep up with Laurel in the pool, going on long powerwalks, and spinning lightly on the trainer. None of these workouts are strenuous by any stretch, but it definitely feels good to get out and do something. I'm also working on my annual off-season accounting gig at Amy's Bread, which has been perfect for forced sitting (and a good distraction from what seems like an endless countdown). 

Stay tuned for more updates!


Gift Guide

A Quick Look Back at Thanksgiving