Athlete Food: Tips for Using Fresh Herbs


Behind the scenes of Athlete Food, there's a constant stream of emails that go back and forth between Laurel, Melissa and me. There's the almost daily, "what's for dinner?", the frequent "any new snack ideas?" and, of course, the "what do I do with all this ___? (insert overabundance of a certain CSA veggie)"

I recently flagged one of these email chains and thought I'd share its helpful content before it gets lost in my inbox. Here's a quick summary. 

Laurel: What's for dinner tonight?

Melissa: omelet with fresh herbs (lots; maybe half cup per two eggs), goat cheese, and a side salad of herbs and grape tomatoes.

Laurel: "How do you guys keep fresh herbs from going bad? I know they are a game changer in a dish, but sometimes I feel like they are an indulgence because I'll use two leaves and then the rest of the bunch goes bad." 

Melissa's advice:

-If the herbs are at all wet when you buy them, immediately wash and completely dry. Store them in a ziploc bag in layers of paper towels.

-If they are dry, keep them that way and wash right before using them. 

And Laurel's counter argument: 

Wow. So labor intensive to wash the herbs! Do you have a trick for that? I'm lazy…

More advice from Melissa:

It's really easy: 

-fill a bowl with water, swish herb bundle around. Repeat if water is dirty. 

-Wrap in a dish towel. Let sit on the counter for a bit. Repeat with dry towel. Then pack into ziplocs or store them in the fridge just like that. 

Laurel: Ok, but what do you do with all the extra? My grocery store only sells big bunches - way too much for this single girl! 

Melissa: Think of them as lettuce. Use often and a lot. 

The result of all this banter? The proof is in Laurel's Instagram feed (see below). --Bec

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