Gluten-Free Toasted Coconut Pancakes

I've been gluten-free for three years now. What started as an experiment to control an out of control allergy has turned into a way of life. It hasn't been all that bad, but I do miss real bread. And bagels. And cake. And soy sauce. Oh, and pancakes. 

There are a ton of gluten-free pancake mixes out there, but none of them have produced the light and fluffy pancakes that even a basic Aunt Jemima mix makes. So last weekend, I decided to stop trying to recreate real pancakes and make a gluten-free pancake that was intentionally different. 

I added a 1/2 cup of toasted coconut flakes to the batter (I used Arrowhead Mills gluten-free pancake mix). When I did this the batter got way too thick and to make it into 'cakes I'd basically have to scoop out and shape into a disk. That wasn't going to happen, so I tried adding extra milk to the batter. I mixed in somewhere between a quarter and a half cup of milk so the batter was pourable. When I poured the mix into the pan, it spread out evenly like regular pancake batter does. Why had a never thought to add extra milk before?? The result was diner-sized pancakes with a uniquely sweet and nutty consistency. I topped them with cinnamon dusted diced apples and Greek yogurt and they were a huge hit. 

I realize this isn't exactly a recipe, but it isn't supposed to be. Making great gluten-free pancakes takes some experimentation and some creativity. If you've already figured out the right formula, we'd love to hear about it! --Bec

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