Athlete Food: Corn and Tomato Salad

After over doing it last week, this week has been all about simplifying things. It's been all about relaxing, spending time with family (my mom, dad and Laurel are here) and enjoying the last few days of summer. Laurel and I have logged some quality training hours during the day and in the evenings have taken advantage of the simple joys of summer: fresh vegetables, baseball and ice cream cones.

We made this corn and tomato salad three times this week. It’s just too easy and we all can’t get enough of it. Everything in this salad is raw, including the corn. My mom poo-pooed the idea of raw corn until she tried it and now she’s been converted. It helps to have the freshest corn you can find. For those of you who lived in Montgomery Village in the '80’s, think: “Silver Queen Corn Picked Today.” As for seasonings, it’s just salt, pepper and fresh herbs. When I made this for salad for the Shawanathon over the weekend, I added crumbled feta cheese to bulk up the salad for a bunch of hungry racers. It was a big hit!  


Corn and Tomato Salad

Serves 4, as a side dish


3 ears of corn, shucked, kernels removed

½ quart sungold tomatoes, halved (about 2 cups)

2 tablespoons fresh parsley of basil chopped

½ cup crumbled feta cheese (optional)




Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl and serve.


Race Report: Shawanathon